Kode/Commands Attack On Titan RC Mod
/kick ID
/ban ID
/banlist - displays current banned players & their IDs
/unban ID
/room time # - adds x seconds to the clock (negative for subtract)
/room max # - sets the maximum allowed players in room
/revive ID - revive a player by ID
/reviveall - revive all players
/resetkdall - reset all players' KD ratios
/pause - pause the game.
/unpause - unpause the game.
/kick ID - calls for a vote kick if not M (unless M is running this mod)
/pm ID - private message someone by ID
/resetkd - reset all stats
/team 0 - join individuals
/team 1 OR /team cyan - join team cyan
/team 2 OR /team magenta - join team magenta
/rules - list the current gamemodes
/fov # - set your camera's field of view to an integer. Default value is 50.
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